School Hours

8.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Thursday

8:30am to 1.00pm Friday

Total hours per week - 32 hrs 30 mins

Please note:

Morning Drop off:

The school gates will open at 8.20am. The school day starts at 8.30am. Registers and school gates will close at 8.35am.

Any late arrivals MUST come in via school reception and children will be marked as 'Late' to school.

End of Day Collections:

The school gates will re-open to collect your child(ren) from their classrooms at 3.20pm Monday to Thursday and 12.55pm on Fridays. Please be prompt when picking up.

School Timetable

Each year group has its own unique timetable however each year group will include many of the following areas of the curriculum: English Reading and Writing, Phonics/spelling, Maths, PE, Music, RE, Geography, Arts/DT, Science, Personal and Social Education including relationships and much, much more.

Term Dates 2024-25

Detailed below are the term dates for the 2024-25 school year. Please book family trips and holidays outside of school time. If you book a holiday during school time or need to register an absence for any other reason, please complete an Absence Request Form. Please be aware that you may be issued with a penalty notice of £60 per child, per parent, for time off taken during school time.

Terms Term Dates
Term 1 2nd September to 24th October 2024
Term 2 4th November to 20th December 2024
Term 3 6th January to 14th February 2025
Term 4 24th February to 4th April 2025
Term 5 22nd April to 23rd May 2025
Term 6 2nd June - 23rd July 2025

Teacher Training Days 2024-25

It should be noted that the school is closed to pupils for additional days during the academic year for staff training. In the 2024-25 academic year, teacher training days occur on the following dates:

  • Monday 2nd September 2024
  • Tuesday 3rd September 2024
  • Thursday 24th October 2024
  • Monday 6th January 2025
  • Monday 7th July 2025

Term dates

Updated: 12/06/2024 2.50 MB

Reporting Your Child's Absence:

You must inform the school office if your child will be absent from school before 8.30am and on a daily basis. Absences can either be reported by either emailing [email protected] or calling 430084. When emailing, should you wish to copy in your child's class teacher please do so, however the school office records all absences and as a matter of safeguarding if you have not informed the office, you may be chased for attendance unnecessarily. Unfortunately, teachers do not always have time in the morning to pass on messages received by parents. Please may we remind you that children can be in school from 8.25am BUT must arrive no later than 8.35am. Late Arrivals, will be marked as 'Late' and this will affect your child's overall attendance.

Medical Appointments:

If your child has a medical appointment during the school day, please email the office in advance, so that we can mark their attendance accordingly and make a note that they will be either in later, leaving early or absent during part of the day.

Booking School Dinners:

Deadline to book school dinners is midnight Tuesday, a week in advance.  If you forget to book lunch for your child, you will need to send them into school with a packed lunch for that week.  Unfortunately, the office cannot process late lunch bookings. Menus and Allergent information can be found on our website.

Polite Reminders:

Please can we ask that your child comes to school with all their belongings, especially packed lunches, coats, books, bags and water bottles. We want to try and build independence for your child (and they may need your help in doing so) and it will really help them (and us) if ALL items from home are remembered in the mornings. 

Please label ALL your children's belongings. In the event of them losing an item, it will enable a better chance of it being to you or your child.

Please note and remember, we are a NUT free school.