
The Croft Primary School ensures the learning children experience in school incorporates the national curriculum and government initiatives. To find out more about the national curriculum, follow the link below.


Inspiring our Crofties to Reach for the Stars

We are committed to providing all of our ‘Croftie’s with a high-quality education that will prepare them for the future. We believe that every child deserves to succeed, and we are passionate about helping our pupils reach their full potential. 
We have designed our curriculum to build on the prior knowledge and experiences of our children and enable them to succeed in each year and phase of their education journey and beyond.



Curriculum Intent

Love of Learning 


We believe and want to create an environment that encourages children learn. We do this by providing them with access to a broad and balanced curriculum using a variety of resources, books and writing materials, We believe that every child has the potential to excel and make progress in the learning and be the best they can be and we are committed to helping them achieve their full potential.

At The Croft we:

  • provide a school library that is well-stocked with a variety of books that appeal to children of all ages and interests.
  • ensure reading and writing is a regular part of the day,
  • provide opportunities for children to write for different purposes, such as journaling, creative writing, and writing reports.
  • celebrate children's reading and writing achievements
  • partner with parents and the community to promote reading and writing.

We believe that by taking these steps, we can help to create a generation of children who love to read and write.


Thirst for Knowledge and skills -wanting to learn more and know more 

  • It helps them to develop their critical thinking skills. When children are curious and ask questions, it forces them to think about the world around them and to come up with their own answers. This helps them to develop their critical thinking skills, which are essential for success in school and in life.
  • It helps them to become lifelong learners. Children who have a thirst for knowledge are more likely to continue learning throughout their lives. This is important because the world is constantly changing, and we need people who are able to adapt and learn new things.
  • It makes them more creative. When children are exposed to new ideas and information, it can spark their creativity. This can lead them to come up with new solutions to problems and to think outside the box.
  • It helps them to become well-rounded individuals. Children who have a thirst for knowledge are more likely to be interested in a variety of subjects and activities. This can help them to become well-rounded individuals who are able to contribute to society in many different ways.
  • It can lead to them achieving their goals. When children are motivated to learn, they are more likely to achieve their goals. This is because they will be able to overcome challenges and obstacles that come their way.


Community – Croft family and beyond




  • We hold regular school assemblies that celebrate the achievements of our children and we recognise children for their  academic achievements, sporting successes, or contributions to the school community.  We also thank staff and parents for their efforts, hard work and contributions.
  • We create opportunities for children to work together on collaborative projects, in year 6, make £5 grow, Working with Dyson. This enables children to learn how to work together and to build relationships with their peers.
  • We Encourage pupils to participate in extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities can also help pupils to develop their leadership skills and teamwork skills.
  • We host many school events that are open to the community. We have Christmas productions/Carol Concerts/Performing at local events, Sports days.  We involve ourself in community projects as we feel that they enable to build relationships with the wider community.
  • We are encouraging speakers to the school, collaborating on community service projects. Partnerships can help to connect the school with the wider community and to provide children with valuable opportunities.


Values-being a ‘Croftie’ and life beyond Croft

Croftie-Caring, Responsible, Open-minded, Trusted, Inclusive and Equality.  These are the fundamental values that underpin all we believe, we do and model.  We expect all of our community to adhere to our values.

  • Through our teaching of the Personal Development: We teach children about the importance of respect, responsibility, honesty, and courage in a variety of contexts, such as in their relationships with others, in their work, and in their decision-making.
  • Through our school rules and expectations: We have clear rules and expectations for children' behavior, which are based on our school values. We teach children about these rules and expectations and how they support our values.
  • Through our daily interactions with children: We model the school values in our interactions with children. We treat children with respect, and we expect them to treat each other with respect. We also hold children accountable for their actions, and we teach them the importance of taking responsibility for their choices
  • Through our teaching of history and personal develpment: We teach children about the history of democracy and the rule of law in the UK. We also teach them about the importance of individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
  • Through our school assemblies and discussions: We regularly hold assemblies and discussions about British values. We use these opportunities to teach children about the importance of these values and how they can be applied in their own lives.
  • Through our extracurricular activities: We offer a variety of extracurricular activities that promote British values, such as our school council, our debating club, and our charity work.

We believe that it is important for children to understand and uphold British values. These values are essential for creating a cohesive and tolerant society. We are committed to embedding these values into our curriculum and school ethos, and we are confident that our children will learn to value and respect them.


Enrichment – ‘Confident and Self belief’




Our Enrichment curriculum, activities entwine our core curriculum and beyond.  We provide opportunities to learn new skills , develop their interests, and explore their talents. We believe that through our enrichment curriculum of Sports and Drama clubs, visits to museums, theatres, historical places of interests and more, our crofties will:

  • Develop their skills and talents
  • Learn new things
  • Make new friends
  • Build confidence and self-esteem
  • Develop a sense of achievement
  • Become more resilient
  • Prepare for their future

We believe children who participate in enrichment activities are more likely to be confident and self-assured. They are more likely to believe in themselves and their abilities. They are also more likely to be resilient and to bounce back from setbacks.

We are committed to providing ALL of our children  with opportunities to participate in enrichment activities. I believe that these activities are essential for helping our pupils to reach their full potential.

Pupil Premium

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Funding Page

SEND Information

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Broad Curriculum

Our broader curriculum, where possible/appropriate is based on the text chosen for English reading and writing or is of a similar era/theme and ensures sequential and progressive in skills. It is designed to offer ALL our children a rich diet of learning experiences and enable our children to do more and remember more.

Curriculum Support

To enable all children an equitable offer, we use a variety of strategies to allow them to both ‘keep up’ and ‘catch up’. These include adult support, tweaking of learning objectives when appropriate, catch up sessions (same day), pre-teaching, afternoon booster session, SEND interventions and learning support to enable ALL children the same opportunities to learn and progress.


We are a values-based school, and we believe that promoting our values (school and British) is an integral part of our school culture which will ensure that our children leave our
care prepared for the next phase of their education and for life in modern Britain.

Our Vision & Values


Our school is both a place of and a set of partnerships between us and the local community. We pride ourselves on working with/engaging our families and local business’s to enable our children to be a good citizen and understand themselves beyond the school environment.

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Curriculum Implementation

With the National Curriculum as our starting point, we believe that our curriculum allows us to provide a range of opportunities for us to develop the language, vocabulary, writing and oracy experiences of our diverse community of children. Our curriculum implementation is led by high quality teaching for ALL children which will lead to long term learning.

Where possible, cross-curricular links are established however explicit teaching of other subjects using a variety of stimuli is adopted when strong, appropriate links cannot be made. Links between previous learning are made to support deeper understanding and to encourage children to apply their knowledge and make connections across curriculum areas.

Learning is carefully sequenced with regular opportunities to revisit and build upon prior knowledge to ensure the needs of the children are met. We recognize that we are all on a journey of learning and our curriculum mirrors this, using learning from previous terms and the current term so that we can embed short- and long-term learning.

We ensure high quality teaching:

  • Clear sequential and progressive planning structure for all subjects (Knowledge and Skills)
  • All lessons have a structure that enables our 6 principles of Teaching and Learning
  • Clear and concise assessment structure for all subjects
  • Curriculum leaders ensure clarity for ‘next steps for development’
  • The Broader Curriculum provides rich experiences and practical learning

Long Term Planning

Broad Curriculum Coverage

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Teaching & Learning

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Curriculum Impact

We measure the impact of our curriculum through:

  • Detailed data analysis for reading, writing and maths
  • Regular pupil progress meetings
  • Reflecting on the standards achieved against planned outcomes.
  • Sampling children's learning across the school to recognize Curriculum Impact
  • We measure the impact of our curriculum through:
  • Detailed data analysis for reading, writing and maths
  • Regular pupil progress meetings
  • Reflecting on the standards achieved against planned outcomes.
  • Celebrating the learning at the end of each topic, where children demonstrate the knowledge they have gained
  • Sampling children's learning across the school to recognise progress and attainment and to celebrate success.
  • Pupil discussions with teachers, Subject Leaders and Senior Leaders about their learning
  • progress and attainment and to celebrate success.
  • Pupil discussions with teachers, Subject Leaders and Senior Leaders about their learning

*In accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 section 71, parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of RE and acts of collective worship on religious grounds. Parents should make their wishes known to the Headteacher who will ensure that any pupils who are withdrawn are appropriately supervised while the act of collective worship / RE lesson takes place. Pupils can be withdrawn wholly or partly from acts of collective worship only by parents.